Gratis | Successful Geofencing (Geolocation & Footfall) Ad Delivery

Gratis is a personal care market that offers all kinds of brands and products that its customers will need to improve their health and quality of life.

For Gratis, Digital Marker used geofencing to attract nearby customers to their physical stores and increase sales.

Digital Marker has created a campaign that allows Gratis to show recommendations, store news, personal offers or purchase history to app users who cross a virtual border drawn around 2 stores in Izmir. He followed the users who came to the store with the campaign.

Reaching users at the right place and at the right time. Since you can create a geofence around a certain geographical object, you can target potential customers within this parameter and increase their chances of visiting.

Faster conversions. Geofencing can help increase local sales for the aforementioned reason. Matching ads and locations increase relevance; therefore, it can instantly engage potential customers nearby through the business door.

Better customer experience. The higher relevance and personalization that geofencing advertising offers is what makes it so valuable to brands. Buyers expect companies to understand their preferences and offer exclusive content, and they tend to stay with those who do.


The viewability rate of the broadcasts that lasted for 5 days was measured as 93%. Overall viewability rates are between 60%-70%, but Digital Marker has topped this rate.

The CTR rate was expected to be 24% on a sectoral basis. However, the CTR rate in the campaign exceeded the sectoral benchmark by 0.60%.

1 out of 6 people who saw the campaign visited the physical store.